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Communications  Strategy & Workshops

Communications Strategy

Baseball Catcher Yogi Berra once said "If you don't know where you are going, you might not get there."


Pitcher Satchel Paige put it a little differently. "How old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?" 


In the case of nonprofits, he might as well have said, "How do they know if their communications approach works if they don't know what their communications approach is?"


Some still consider communications as an afterthought - nice to have, but certainly not a budget priority. However, thriving nonprofits understand that being able to tell their story powerfully, effectively and to the right audience is one of the most important things they can do to achieve their mission. 


Story Board HTX holds workshops with nonprofits and works with their leaders to:

  • Identify the impact, core values and culture that drive successful communications strategies.

  • Ensure that everyone in the organization understands and is invested in the same brand identify.

  • Create a communications plan that lets the world know all of the wonderful things they are doing.


Peer-to Peer Fundraising Workshops


Talk about a love/hate relationship! We love to donate to our friends' favorite cause.  We hate asking anyone for money.  


Peer-to-peer fundraising is the top generator of new nonprofit donations and the best way to introduce people to your mission.  But it is also one of the things boards and supporters dislike about their experience with nonprofits, and a major reason so many nonprofit leaders say, "My board just won't help with fundraising."


Story Board HTX's peer-to-peer fundraising workshop focuses on training staff and supporters to:

  • Shift from asking friends for money (which we hate to do) to sharing the impact of your mission (which we love to do).

  • Follow a process that changes peer-to-peer fundraising from being something people dread into something they can take pride in.


If you are not training the people in your organization to be your advocates, you are missing your greatest opportunity to tell your story.


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